I’m Caitlin Dafni.

I help you craft a life of freedom and fulfillment.

Not by hustling harder.

But by nourishing your body, mind and soul.

By cultivating an astonishing amount of self-trust.

By alchemizing your fear into bravery, your shame into power.

And by taking bold action in the name of your dreams.

I’m actively living and cultivating the life of my dreams.

But it wasn’t always like that.

I used to… 

Be broke & exhausted all the time.

Use alcohol to numb out. 

Settle for “alright” relationships.

Despise my body.

Wonder what the hell I “should do with my life.”

Until my father passed away in 2015.

The most painful event of my life was also the catalyst for my radical transformation. 

I moved back home to Maine. 

I became a Life Coach.

I married my best friend.

I’m now a mother.

I quit drinking. 

 I trust and listen to the wisdom of my body.

I make a good living doing work I love.

This is all thanks to 2 magical ingredients:


After my father died, I completely reframed my relationship to rest and started using it as a portal to self-actualization.

Coaching gave me the wings to fly!

Coaching freed me from nasty limiting beliefs, showed me my true capacity, fueled consistent action, and bolstered my courage to go for the life I knew I was made for.


“Do you deal with that lingering feeling of anxiety that no meditation seems to shake?

I HIGHLY recommend that you invest in Caitlin's multidisciplinary work to create that feeling of calmness, peace and empowerment we're all after.”

I’m a Certified:

International Coaching Federation (ICF) Coach

Martha Beck Trained Coach

Integrative Health Coach

Yoga Instructor